Help & Support
Send us your support request and we will be in touch!
Note: Only Pro Account Landlords and PMs are supported, not Basic account holders. If you are an Applicant and fill out the form below, RentScreener will not reply. All application questions must be directed to the Landlord/PM you are applying with.
Fill out the form below and we will be in touch!
Note: if you are an Applicant and fill out the form below, RentScreener will not reply. All application questions must be directed to the Landlord/PM you are applying with.
All Applicant support and questions regarding your application, status of your application and refunds, or any of the common issues listed below, will need to be addressed to the Property Management Company or Landlord they are applying with, not by RentScreener.
Common Issues:
- What is the status of my application?
- Did you receive the documents I emailed?
- Why was I denied?
- Please refund my application fee.
- How do I get a copy of my credit report?
- How do I change or add information to the application I submitted?
- I want to withdraw my application.
- Did you receive my application?
- Why do I see a charge from RentScreener?
RentScreener does not make any decisions (acceptance, denial, contingent, etc.) on behalf of the property management company or landlords that use our service. All final decisions for acceptance or denial of an applicant(s) will come directly from the property management company or landlord the applicant has applied with.